Each day a flower blooms in me
Of care, of joy, of love
Of tender feelings for a baby
Warming, as in winter by a glove
Even when I'm busy as a bee
I know its there
Ever growing, ever stronger in its being
Ever tugging at my heart strings
The bliss of having, loving and enjoying
A little boy so amazing.
Arrya makes my life worth living.
He is daddy's little boy
He is mummy's biggest joy
He is mummy's biggest joy
His laugh, his cry, his every sound
Means that happiness has come round
Lifting the spirit
To fighting fit
To bear hurts and pains
To bear hurts and pains
and the many strains
Of living, being and surviving.
Arrya keeps my heart singing.
This breast is soothed; this brow is smoothed
No longer restless; never again listless.
I am calm, charmed by his winning smiles
his innocent wiles
the sparkle in his mischiveous eyes
the gurgles and the little sighs.
I know now where I am going
I know now what I am doing.
Arrya gives my life meaning.